Name: Miyane Barber
When I was a child I wanted to be: A footballer. It would never have crossed my mind that I would have my own barber shop.
Reference in the barber world: The Old School Rotterdam Schorem (Holland), are my example to follow, I love the concept and the vibe they have.
A song: Guns N' Roses - Don't cry
Favourite quote: "Hold on to what makes you different".
Best advice you've ever been given: "Get it wrong a thousand times and end up getting it right" "To do, you have to want to".
Your first job as a barber: After finishing my training in my city, Malaga, I flew to my first job as a barber in Madrid. I wanted to start in a barbershop with an "Old School" style because I loved the classic razor and I was lucky enough to learn different styles.
Style you like to work with the most: I love classic cuts, lots of scissors, lots of razor, and a great well defined hairstyle in the "Old School" style, traditional shaves and rituals, also a good beard and giving a personal touch to those moustaches, although only for the most daring ones.
Your favourite male grooming product: For our best Styling we love Beardburys Extra pomade, it gives us the hold and the touch those toupees need.
Best moment of your career so far: The best moment of my career is clearly when I decided to leave my hometown, leave my comfort zone and focus on what I was interested in which was the world of barbering, becoming a totally unique experience, full of learning, that defined me both personally and professionally.
A current male grooming trend: We will start by using Slight styling cream as a base to add density and volume to the hair, then define our styling with a wide-tooth comb by applying Extra pomade, and finish with a few touches of Beardburys Boomer hairspray to define and maintain the previous shape and hold.
A dream to fulfil: I feel that many of my dreams that seemed far away have been achieved through perseverance, continuous training and many hours of work. Among them opening my own business for me has been a dream come true and seeing that everything is moving forward and growing every day keeps me motivated, and I hope that everything continues like this, forging little by little the Speakeasy Barber Shop brand.
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